Saturday, March 6, 2010

first week of clinical posting in PPUKM

This week was the first time and the first week of my clinical posting in PPUKM. My first station was orthopaedics male ward. There are 5 stations in total. Neurology in patient, neuro outpatient, musculoskeletal out patient, cardiorespiratory in patient and musculoskeletal in patient.

The patient that worthwhile for me to mention is this case. He has frozen shoulder, bilateral OA knee, pyogenic discitis at L4-S1. Generally, his upper limbs and lower limbs muscle power are 2.

I'm lucky that I get this patient because he was very 'obedient' and comply to whatever I said. Even though he was in pain, he still hold on and did the exercise that I taught him. Salute You!

For 5 days I was with him. Until the last day, Friday, he told me :" tomorrow you must come again and help me in my exercise. I want to walk". Unfortunately, the 'tomorrow' then he meant was Saturday. I'm off on Saturday. And the next week I'll be in neurology outpatient.

Generally, I was happy because the patient likes me. (maybe I think too much ^^)

However, my bed head ticket (SOAP), I didn't do a good job. I did not do a good and detailed assessment. This causes me to miss out some important points that the patient faced. I did not go home and read for more assessment that I can do for him. Sorry ~0_0~

I still can recall. The first day when I went to the ward, I was so scared and nervous until I get butterfly tummy for 2 days consecutively. sigh...''=_=

I hope I can improve more in my skills. I must study and practice harder !!

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